Christmas Message!

Merry Christmas
We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

And the angel said unto them, 
"Fear not!
For, behold, I bring you
tidings of great joy,
Which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born 
this day in the city of David
A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you:
Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lying in a manger."

- St. Luke 2:10-12

We are so blessed with the opportunity to work together. Thank you for all of your efforts to grow your business with FDI Youngevity throughout the year. The past year has been amazing and we welcome a prosperous New Year together with great joy!


Wishing you many blessings for the holiday season!

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Earn Cash! 
Dial +1 (800) 690-6124 For More Info

This Is Sheer Stupidity!

Experts will debate whether more KIDS should be screened and treated for high cholesterol. 
   New NIH guidelines recommend screening ALL kids between ages 9 to 11...and again between 17 to 21. 
   Advocates say universal screening is needed to identify more kids with dyslipidemia...and spur healthier lifestyle choices. 
   Up to 60% of kids with dyslipidemia are missed if only kids with a family history of dyslipidemia or premature CV disease are screened. 
   But critics worry that it'll be too tempting to treat high cholesterol with drug therapy. There's no proof that treating kids prevents future heart disease...or that long-term treatment is safe. 
   Recommend appropriate exercise, diet, and weight. This should be enough for the typical kid with dyslipidemia...those who are overweight with high triglycerides, normal or slightly high LDL, and low HDL. 
   In general, suggest saving meds for kids if a genetic dyslipidemia is suspected...such as those with an LDL over 190 mg/dL. 
   If meds are needed, suggest starting with a low-dose statin. 
   Most statins are approved for kids as young as 10...and pravastatin for as young as 8. Educate teenage girls on statins about contraception if appropriate...because of possible harm to the fetus. 

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Earn Cash! 
Dial +1 (800) 690-6124 For More Info

Mineral Supplementation

There are three ways of supplementing with mineral
1 - Elemental Minerals - Elemental minerals are metals. In patients under 40 8-12% of the metalic minerals are absorbed into the body. Over 40 this absorption drops to 3-5%. Lets look at Calcium Lactate for example, 1000mg of Calcium Lactate contains only 140mg of elemental calcium. So if only 10% is absorbed that means on 14mg of calcium is actually absorbed. Many of the essential minerals in their elemental for can actually be toxic to the body.

2 - Chelated Minerals - This is the type that farmers use to feed their livestock. Chelated Minerals have digestive engymes added to increase absorption. This type of mineral has a 40% absorption rate.

3 - Choloidal Minerals - This type of mineral has been designed with a negative (-) charge. The intestinal lining carries a positive (+) charge. Since opposite charges attract each other this tyoe of mineral is 98% absorbed.

The supplement program I like the best comes from Youngevity. I prefer BeyondTangy Tangerine as a foundation to get over 90 of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that your body needs to support and promote better health. This is by far the most you can find in any vitamin supplement. It is in a liquid form that is highly absorbable and containes over 77 plant derived cholodial minerals. Since the minerals are of the cholodial form these are very highly absorbed. It includes high doses of the B vitamins which help support and maintian healthy nerves and micro-blood vessels.

It also contains:
  • Contains 115 fruits and vegetables so you won’t skimp on the good stuff

  • Fights free-radicals with 5X the ORAC value of mangosteen juice

  • No artificial sweeteners or preservatives

  • Promotes healthy blood sugar levels

  • Is Glycemic-friendly for diabetics and the sugar conscious

  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular, immune and digestive system

  • For more information visit

    Mineral Conspiracy!

    Did you know that the food we eat today does not have any where near the mineral content that it did when this country was founded?

    The US Senate did!

    BACK IN 1936!

    Here is Senate Document 264 explaining why we have a mineral deficiency in this country. And the medical community says "You get all the vitamins and minerals from your 4 basic food groups"

    Makes one wonder if they know we are mineral deficient and they don't want us to supplement because its a waste of our money, who really profits from our mineral deficient bodies?

    74th Congress, 2nd Session, June 5, 1936

    "Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins, or upon precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume."

    "Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance?"

    "The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables and grains) now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how much of them you eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his/her system with the minerals they require for perfect health because their stomach isn't big enough to hold them."
    "The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some of them aren't worth eating as food... Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein, or carbohydrates we consume."

    "This talk about minerals is novel and quite startling. In fact, a realization of the importance of minerals in food is so new that the text books on nutritional dietetics contain very little about it. Nevertheless, it is something that concerns all of us, and the further we delve into it the more startling it become."

    "You'd think, wouldn't you, that a carrot is a carrot - that one is about as good as another as far as nourishment is concerned? But, it isn't; one carrot may look and taste like another and yet be lacking in the particular mineral element which our system requires and which carrots are supposed to contain."
    "Laboratory test prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs, and even the milk and the meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago (which doubtless explains why our forefathers thrived on a selection of foods that would starve us!)"

    "No longer does a balanced and fully nourishing diet consist merely of so many calories or certain vitamins or fixed proportions of starches, proteins and carbohydrates. We know that our diets must contain in addition something like a score of mineral salts."

    "It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack or one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives."

    "We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is of importance for normal function of some special structure in the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of mineral's they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless."

    "Certainly our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories of vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein of carbohydrates we consume."

    "This discovery is one of the latest and most important contributions of science to the problem of human health."

    3 Triggers to Health Challenges

    3 Triggers to Health Challenges 

    When we get right down to it there are only 3 things that can be traced to trigger all malfunctions of the body. Everything else is related, everything comes down to:
    • Inflammation
    • Immunity
    • Digestion
    There are over 12,000 diseases of the human body and they all have a component, a cause that can be related to one or a combination of all three.

    Look closely at your health challenges, no matter what they are all are basically linked to Inflammation and immunity coming in from the digestive system. Many times then affecting blood sugar and adrenal-thyroid issues.

    Once we accept that there are over 12,000 plus diseases and they all come from the same basic place; that these fundamental bio-chemical causes are behind every degenerative disease from cancer, heart disease, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the kidneys, diseases of the lymph system, all the ways we age and most of the ways we die are also connected to inflammation, the immune system and digestion. The evidence is overwhelming.

    We can believe this to be true, and there is no compelling evidence to the contrary or we don't. If we don't we are just not being rational about it.

    Think about this a moment, traditional medicine never looks at the root causes of a problem.
    • We have arthritis pain, they give us an anti-inflammatory drug.
    • We have reflux, they give us acid reducing medications
    • We have "elevated" cholesterol, they give us cholesterol lowering medications
    • We have osteoporosis, they give drugs to stop bone loss
    • We have high blood pressure, they give us a drug to lower your blood pressure. 
    What do these treatments have in common?

    They all treat a symptom, none of them address the root cause of the condition and eliminate the cause. That's why you never get off these medications. By not addressing the cause your health deteriorates and you take more and more medications.

    So if we look at all these medical conditions and trace them back to their root causes, we can then address ways to improve these conditions.

    That is precisely what we were taught in pharmacy school, to decipher the root causes then educate the patient on how to eliminate those root causes.

    My mission is to show that there are bio-chemical reasons for these conditions and ways to correct them so we don't have to be committed to the current medical model of just treating symptoms with ever increasingly dangerous medications that don't heal or improve anything.

    I want everyone to understand that there is a bio-chemical cause; a bio-chemical etiology; a bio-chemical beginning so we can examine our choices in a clear headed manor, free of the "religion" of modern medicine.
    There are options, if you dare to explore them. Join me and we will discover them together.

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
    +1 (206) 337-7271

    Good Fat Bad Fat

    To understand how fats affect health, we must begin by realizing that there are two opposite stories about fats. There are fats that kill, which we should avoid. And there are fats that heal that we must obtain from our food.

    Much has been said about the fats that kill. They are associated with deaths from cardiovascular disease (43%), cancer (23%), diabetes (2%), and other degenerative diseases that kill 68% of Western populations. Only a 100 years ago, this was rare indicating that these deaths are from diseases of lifestyle, not genetics.

    The problem with our focus on the killer fats is that it is an inadequate focus. If we were to remove all bad fats from our diet, and do it perfectly (100%) we would still die if we did not bring in and optimize the fats that heal. This is because we cannot live without the fats that heal, and removing the bad fats makes no guarantee of obtaining the good ones.

    The story of the fats that heal, the good fats, the essential fatty acids is therefore the more interesting and important story by far. To bring the neglected good fats into our diet, we must identify their sources, their functions, and the signs of their deficiency. 

    What are the good (essential) fats?

    Certain fats are defined as 'essential' because:

    1. The body cannot make them;
    2. They are required for normal cell, tissue, gland, and organ function, for health, and for life;
    3. They must be provided from outside the body, through food or supplements;
    4. They can come only from fats (hence fat-free diets cannot supply them);
    5. Their absence from the diet will eventually kill;
    6. Deficiency results in progressive deterioration, can lead to death;
    7. Return of essential fatty acids to a deficient diet reverses the symptoms of deficiency and results in a return to health.

    What happens when we don't get enough good fats?

    The short answer is: Every part of the body gradually deteriorates and falls apart. No cell, tissue, gland, or organ can function normally without them. Here is a longer list:

    * Dry skin
    * Constipation
    * Low energy levels
    * Brittle hair and hair loss
    * Poor nail growth
    * Deterioration of liver and kidneys
    * Behavioral changes due to brain deterioration
    * Glands dry up
    * Immune system deteriorates, resulting in more infections, poorer wound healing, and increased cancer
    * Digestion problems, inflammation, bloating, allergies, autoimmune conditions
    * Bone mineral loss
    * Reproductive failure: sterility in males and miscarriage in females
    * Retarded growth of children
    * Tingling in arms and legs due to nerve deterioration
    * Vision and learning problems
    * Insulin resistance
    * Increased risk of overweight
    * Increased cancer risk
    * Increased cardiovascular risk
    * Decreased ability to cope with stress
    * In mental illness, increased symptoms
    * Decreased lung function
    * Decreased tissue oxidation

    What are the functions of essential fatty acids?

    Essential fatty acids have many functions throughout the body. They are involved in:

    * Energy production. In a study with athletes in Denmark, it was shown that within one month of giving athletes one tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight per day of an oil blend with an Omega-3: Omega-6 ratio of 2:1, stamina increased by up to 40 or even 60%. Athletes could exercise longer before reaching exhaustion, recovered more quickly from fatigue, could exercise more often without over-training, healed quicker from injuries, built muscle faster, and had less joint pain.

    Energy improvement is also seen in non-athletes and older people. The EFA blend also improves mental stamina.

    * Brain Function. In work with the blended oil, consistent improvements were seen in brain function, and research with EFAs from other sources has also shown brain benefits. Among these are elevated mood, lifted depression, increased calmness, better handling of stress, less hyperactivity, better focus, better mental processing, faster learning, increased intelligence, better concentration, and improved motor coordination.

    Among the mentally ill, EFAs can decrease hallucinations in schizophrenics, elevate mood, lift depression, improve symptoms in bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and improve brain function in Alzheimer's disease and autism.

    EFAs are also required for vision.

    * Skin, Hair, and Nails. EFAs are required for healthy skin and hair, and are required for normal nail growth. They moisturize skin and prevent dryness.

    * Cancer. Omega-3 EFAs may lower cancer risk.

    * Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). Omega 3 can decrease most CVD risk factors, including high triglycerides (blood fats), blood pressure, platelet stickiness, fibrinogen, and lipoprotein(a). N-3 also keep the inside of our arteries smooth. N-3 and n-6 keep the heart beat regular.

    * Diabetes. EFAs are required for insulin function. Omega-3 make diabetics more insulin-sensitive.

    * Weight Management. Omega-6 slightly and Omega-3 more effectively help reduce fat production in the body. They also increase fat burning and heat production in the body, and shift the body from burning glucose to burning fats. Saturated, monounsaturated, and trans- fatty acids do not help to manage weight. Sugar triggers increased fat production in the body. Starch can also lead to overweight.

    * Digestion. EFAs improve gut integrity, decrease gut inflammation, and decrease 'leaky gut' that can lead to allergies.

    * Allergies. EFAs reduce symptoms of allergies. They work best if digestive enzymes rich in protein-digesting protease are also used.

    * Inflammation. Omega-3 reduce inflammation. Digestive enzymes are also helpful.

    * Autoimmune Conditions. Omega-3 dampen the over-response of the immune system in autoimmune conditions. Again, enzymes are also helpful.

    * Injury. EFAs speed the healing of injuries.

    * Bone Minerals. Omega 3 oils improve bone mineral retention, thereby inhibiting the development of osteoporosis.

    * Stress. EFAs, by optimizing serotonin production, improve response to stress. People report feeling calmer, getting stressed less easily, dealing with stressful situations more calmly, and losing their temper less often.

    * Sleep. EFAs improve sleep in some people.

    * Hormones. EFAs improve hormone functions. Hormone levels may decrease, yet the effects of hormones remain normal. EFAs thereby ease the work load of glands.

    * Organs. EFAs are required for liver and kidney function.

    * Reproduction. EFAs are required for sperm formation, the female cycle, and pregnancy.

    To learn more about the highest potency Omega 3, 6, 9 supplements available on the market today contact me.

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI

    Long term use of acid lowering drugs causes severe magnesium loss


    Taking a PPI over a year, has been linked to an increased risk of hypomagnesemia. Hypomagnesemia has been reported with all PPI's

    Severe hypomagnesemia can cause potentially serious effects including muscle spasm, tetany, arrhythmia, hypokalemia, hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia, and seizures. Case reports suggest that up to 25% of patients who developed hypomagnesemia had to discontinue the PPI in order for magnesium levels to return to normal. In many cases, hypomagnesemia recurred when the PPI was re-initiated.

    Some experts speculate that the magnesium depletion caused by PPIs could contribute to the increased risk of fracture seen in some patients taking PPIs long-term.
    PPIs include omeprazole (Prilosec), esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole, (Prevacid), pantoprazole (Protonix), rabeprazole (AcipHex), and dexlansoprazole (Dexilant).

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI

    Three Keys to Greatness

    Three Keys to Greatness by Jim Rohn

    Eight years ago I went into the studio and recorded a 56-minute video for teenagers called "Three Keys to Greatness." Although my focus was for teenagers, the principles I shared certainly apply to adults as well.

    Recently I was asked to list these three keys using a couple sentences for each. Now for your benefit here they are again.

    1) Setting Goals. I call it the view of the future. Most people, including kids, will pay the price if they can see the promise of the future. So we need to help our kids see a well-defined future, so they will be motivated to pay the price today to attain the rewards of tomorrow. Goals help them do this.

    2) Personal Development. Simply making consistent investments in our self-education and knowledge banks pays major dividends throughout our lives. I suggest having a minimum amount of time set aside for reading books, listening to audiocassettes, attending seminars, keeping a journal and spending time with other successful people. Charlie "Tremendous" Jones says you will be in five years the sum total of the books you read and the people you are around.

    3) Financial Planning. I call it the 70/30 plan. After receiving your paycheck or paying yourself, set aside 10 percent for saving, 10 percent for investing and 10 percent for giving, and over time this will guarantee financial independence for a teenager.

    If a young person, or for that matter an adult, focused on doing these three simple things over a long period of time I believe they will be assured success!

    —Jim Rohn

    Do you want a private lesson with Jim Rohn? Now with The Jim Rohn Limited Edition Classic Collection, you can! This DVD collection features Jim Rohn in person speaking about leadership.Don't miss this opportunity to relive the magic of Jim Rohn.

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
    Save Money, Get Healthy, Earn Cash! 
    Dial +1 (800) 690-6124 For More Info

    Statins and Cardiomyopathy: Fact or Fiction?

    Here is another article I found on statins and the damage they cause. In this article the author concludes that one should be taking CoQ10 along with the statin but as you can read form some of my other blog posts I question the validity of statin use in the first place.
    Statins and Cardiomyopathy: Fact or Fiction?

    Statins and Cardiomyopathy: Fact or Fiction?

    March 27, 2011, 01:00:00PM. By Email to a friendEmail
    Washington, DC: It was a little more than a year ago that we were telling you about a concern with regard to statins and myopathy—or injury to the muscle—when taken above a certain dosage and in concert with other medications. To that point, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), on March 19 of last year, released an updated warning for myopathy and rhabdomyolysis associated with statins, a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs that includes Zocor.

    Statins and Cardiomyopathy: Fact or Fiction? But there's another concern. It seems that statins are not all they're cracked up to be—especially in light of a potential link between statins and cardiomyopathy.

    Zocor simvastatin, for example, has been previously linked to Zocor liver damage and Zocor muscle damage. As muscles go, the heart is the most important muscle we have. And apparently, according to various people in the medical profession, statins can also have an impact on the heart muscle as well.

    Statins are used to lower levels of what is popularly known as ''bad cholesterol'' thought to have a negative impact on heart health. However, there are various positions within the medical community pertaining to statin use and their effectiveness for heart health—and not everyone is a fan.

    Peter H. Langsjoen, MD, submitted a paper to the FDA nine years ago on the relationship of statins and cardiomyopathy. In a tersely worded introduction dated July 8, 2002, Dr. Langsjoen points out that statins negatively impact levels of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an enzyme important to good heart health.

    "In my practice of 17 years in Tyler, Texas, I have seen a frightening increase in heart failure secondary to statin usage, 'statin cardiomyopathy.' Over the past five years, statins have become more potent, are being prescribed in higher doses, and are being used with reckless abandon in the elderly and in patients with 'normal' cholesterol levels," Dr. Langsjoen wrote in 2002. "We are in the midst of a CHF epidemic in the US with a dramatic increase over the past decade. Are we causing this epidemic through our zealous use of statins? In large part I think the answer is yes."

    It has been previously reported that the effectiveness of statins for heart failure patients continues to be hotly debated. Critics note that heart failure patients have largely been excluded from major, randomized clinical trails of statins. Thus, questions remain.

    Dr. Langsjoen is more blunt.

    "Statins kill people—lots of people—and they wound many, many more."

    Byron J. Richards, in a blog entry on Wellness Resources, refers to a 2007 study co-authored by Dr. Langsjoen. Richards says, "The issue of statins interfering with heart health—and the major rise in heart failure in older patients taking statins, is a problem medical people would prefer to think does not exist."

    The study, "Littarru GP, Langsjoen P. Coenzyme Q10 and statins: biochemical and clinical implications, Mitochondrion 2007'' is associated with the Institute of Biochemistry, Polytechnic University of the Marche, Via Ranieri, 60131 Ancona, Italy.

    As for Dr. Langsjoen, as part of his own peer-reviewed study in 2002 entitled, ''The clinical use of HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors (statins) and the associated depletion of the essential co-factor coenzyme Q10; a review of pertinent human and animal data''—he came up with his own black box warning for statins sold in the US. In his view, it should read…

    ''Warning: HMG CoA reductase inhibitors block the endogenous biosynthesis of an essential co-factor, coenzyme Q10, required for energy production. A deficiency of coenzyme Q 10 is associated with impairment of myocardial function, with liver dysfunction and with myopathies (including cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure). All patients taking HMG CoA reductase inhibitors should therefore be advised to take 100 to 200 mg per day of supplemental coenzyme Q10.''

    Cholesterol, A Necessary Component of Human Biology

    If you have cholesterol problems or know someone that does then you MUST check out this video

    Check out my other blog posts on cholesterol as well:

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI


    Just wanted to share this with you. The following information is from a drug called Protopic that is used to treat eczema. The drug suppresses the immune system. Here is the warning from the drug manufacturer:

    "Long term safety for this drug is not known at this time. There have been rare reports of cancers (eg skin cancer, lymphoma)in patients using tacrolimus. . . Further studies to determine the long-term safety of this product are ongoing. In the unlikely event that unusual lumps, swollen glands, or growths (especially on the skin) occur, contact your doctor immediately."

    Sounds like something I want to use, how about you? At $350 for 60 grams plus the doctors fees you to can be an unpaid guinea pig!

    Did you know eczema is caused by an essential fatty acid and mineral deficiency? Did the MD ever discuss supplementing with essential fatty acids BEFORE writing prescriptions for this drug or any other drug? I have found in my practice that they don't!

    Contact me, I will show you how you can support and promote better health and reduce your need for pharmaceuticals that are dangerous.

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI

    Don't be a statistic

    According to the Nee England Healthcare Institute (NEHI), 187 million Americans take one ore more prescription drugs, and up to one-half of those don't take them as prescribed. NEHI also estimates that $290 billion in avoidable spending is associated with non-compliant patients.

    Don't be a statistic, let me show you how to avoid medications by supporting and promoting better health.

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
    $10 Path to Finacial Freedom

    Truth about Cholesterol

    Truth about Cholesterol

    Every year our government and many private institutions spend billions of dollars on research, yet a great deal of this research goes unread. Even worse the information learned from these studies is often never utilized in treating and preventing human disease. Unfortunately, there are just as many, if not more, researchers and scientists working for big pharmaceutical companies. The dream of all pharmaceutical company CEO's is developing a drug that people will need to take for a lifetime in order to control their medical condition. This means the search for profit interferes with finding the truth.

    To compound this situation, most doctors never have the time to read more than a few articles in popular medical journals, and they never read studies of basic science. Because of this lack of time, medical doctors rely too much on what is told to them by pharmaceutical reps, the same reps that represent the pharmaceutical companies that are more interested in how many prescriptions of their products are sold than they are interested in healing the patient, after all a patient that is healed no longer needs their product. In defense of the medical doctors, they just do not have the time to research alternative treatment modalities; as such they think so-called alternative treatments do not work.  

    Pharmaceutical Industry Suppresses Truth

    Statin drugs are a good example of how successful the pharmaceutical companies have been. The statin class of drugs has been the biggest moneymaker in history for the pharmaceutical industry. But the medical doctors and likewise the public at large has been denied one essential bit of information: The benefits of statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are no better than taking an aspirin a day.  

    According to the pharmaceutical industry's own studies, the improvements in reducing heart attack and stroke risk is virtually the same as following an aspirin regimen.  
    In a study of two statin drugs, atrovastin and pravastatin, reported in the 2005 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine1, patients with low highly sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) levels had fewer heart attacks no matter what their LDL-cholesterol level. Furthermore they had more heart attacks if the hsCRP was elevated regardless of their LDL-Cholesterol level.  
    The same thing has been found for stroke risk. Another recent study, the Pravastatin or Atrovastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy - Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 22 (PROVE IT-TIMI 22) study, examined patients on high and moderate doses of statin drugs. This study found that in both groups, there was no difference in the cholesterol levels of those with stroke and those without. The only difference was the levels of hsCRP.  

    Few medical doctors who prescribe statin drugs know that the link between elevated cholesterol levels and strokes has never been established.

    Cholesterol Is NOT the Cause of Cardiovascular Events

    So if cholesterol is not the cause of these cardiovascular events then what is? The latest studies show that inflammation is an independent risk factor for heart disease that is much stronger than any measurement of cholesterol2. The link to inflammation is strong and is supported by many laboratory and clinical studies3

    Reported reductions in stroke risk for people taking statins has varied from no statistical reductions (as in the Treating to New Targets or TNT study) to 19 percent to 50 percent shown in the Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease (LIPID), The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE), and Myocardial Ischemia Reduction with Aggressive Cholesterol Lowering (MIRACL) studies. 

    Newer evidence, however, suggests that any reduction in stroke risk is due to the anti-inflammatory effects of the drugs instead of their ability to lower cholesterol.  

    Statin Drugs Lower Cholesterol and Reduce Inflammation

    So if a big pharmaceutical company can make lowering cholesterol the goal, especially a drastic decrease in cholesterol, and convince doctors that everyone even children should take them for a lifetime and then back this up with studies that show the drugs do reduce cardiovascular events then big pharmaceutical makes Billions of dollars. If on the other hand if hsCRP reduction or other measurements for inflammation are used as the guideline for reducing cardiovascular events, then there is not an exclusive product for the reduction of cardiovascular events because other treatment modalities reduce inflammation just as effectively and without the major side effects of statins. As a result big pharmaceutical company drugs would not even be given to 75 percent to 80 percent of the people because of their side effects (increase risk of dementia, cancer, confusion, immune suppression, muscle pains, weakness, and even risk of death). That is a massive loss in revenue.  

    Since the statin promoters have admitted and scientific data has backed up that inflammation, not elevated cholesterol, is the cause of atherosclerosis let us look at how this occurs and ways to reduce inflammation in our bodies (and our blood vessels) rather than using a statin drug.  

    Causes of Inflammation

    The most abundant oxidized fat in these atherosclerotic vessels is not cholesterol, it is omega-6 fat. What most people do not realize is we eat a ton of oxidized fats. Diets high in polyunsaturated fats are high in oxidized fats. Most American diets are high in Omega-6 fats; corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, and soybean oils. Canola oil contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fats. When all of these oils are heated they all become oxidized fats. Oils are also used in prepared foods, especially baked foods. They are all high in oxidized fats.  

    These oxidized fats in the body cause an inflammation response which causes the immune system to send its immune cells to clean up the harmful fats. This response however increases the number of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products (Lapps). This increase in free radicals and Lapps then oxidize the fats in the walls of the blood vessels. These oxidized fats then trigger further inflammation responses which cause the immune system to send its immune cells to clean up the harmful fats and the cycle continues until you have atherosclerosis. 

    In addition to the Omega-6 fasts in our diets we are also exposed to tons of food additives like MSG and nitrate preservatives every year. These excitotoxins also reduce the protective antioxidant enzymes in the arteries causing inflammation. In fact researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that eating processed meat containing nitrates, such as bacon, sausage and deli meats, lead to a 42% higher risk of heart disease but did not find any increase risk from eating unprocessed red meats.

    Most chronic diseases and conditions are associated with chronic inflammation including:
    • Type 2 diabetes 
    •  Metabolic Syndrome 
    •  Chronic Arthritis 
    •  Autoimmune diseases 
    •  Infectious diseases 
    •  Abdominal Belly Fat 
    •  Aging
    Safer Ways

    Most doctors do not know that there are better and safer ways to reduce inflammation.
    A considerable amount of research has shown that neutraceuticals can dramatically reduce inflammation. In fact, flavonoids and vitamin combinations have been shown in atherosclerosis studies to be more effective than any statin drug. And unlike the statin drugs, they do not increase your risk of dementia, cancer, confusion, immune suppression, muscle pains, weakness, and your risk of dying. In fact, they greatly reduce this risk. 

    In one impressive study of mice that were fed inflammatory fats, curcumin, a flavonoid found in the spice turmeric, dramatically reduced the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque in their arteries. The mice had been genetically programmed to develop atherosclerosis. These mice were genetically altered to remove the APE gene and the LDL receptor (they are called APE/LDL double knockout mice), which makes them so prone to atherosclerosis, they will develop extensive arterial plaques even when fed normal diets. This is the ultimate test.  

    The mice that were given curcumin, even in relatively low doses, had considerably less plaque than those given the diet alone. Most statin studies do not use this test because drug manufacturers know the statin drugs will be far less effective than the nutrients. Instead, they quote the ability of their medication to lower cholesterol levels. 

    A considerable amount of research has shown that these neutraceuticals can dramatically reduce inflammation:
    • Curcumin 
    • Quercetin 
    • Hesperidin 
    • Ellagic acid
    • Resveratrol
    • Vitamin E and vitamin C combination 
    Researchers also have shown that curcumin prevents other problems common with atherosclerosis, such as smooth muscle proliferation, activation of the inflammatory COX and LOX enzymes, and a buildup of inflammatory immune cytokines.

    For example, a recent study found that curcumin reduces the release of inflammatory cytokines.4 Another found that curcumin dramatically lowered TEN-alpha levels from macrophages, the main immune regulator cell.5 What all this means is that curcumin powerfully reduces inflammation, immune over activation, and smooth muscle overgrowth, all things responsible for the lesions causing heart attacks and strokes. 

    Resveratrol, like curcumin, also reduces the immune attack within the vessels.  
    The following also improve insulin function:
    • Curcumin 
    • Quercetin 
    • Hesperidin 
    • Ellagic acid 
    Quercetin also inhibits smooth muscle proliferation in arteries and has been shown in experimental studies to dramatically reduce atherosclerosis. 

    Hesperidin has been shown to play a major role in correcting insulin resistance. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and prevents blood clots, which is a major cause of sudden coronary artery blockage. Grapefruits and oranges are high in Hesperidin, and it also can be purchased as a supplement. As I stated in the last two newsletters, your diet is the foundation of your nutritional health. 

    This is also true in preventing heart attacks and strokes. A high intake of omega-6 fats and trans-fats greatly increases your risk. Omega-3 oils, such as DHA with some EPA, significantly reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In fact Omega-3 can reduce LDL and Triglycerides and increase HDL 

    Drinking fluoridated water also increases risk, because it contains high levels of fluoroaluminum, a powerful poison. 
    1. Ridker, PM., et al., "C-reactive protein levels and outcomes after statin therapy," New Eng J Med 2005; 352: 20-8  
    2. Elkind, M.S., "Inflammation, arthrosclerosis, and stroke," Neurologist 2006; 12: 140-8.  
    3. Parnetti, L., et al., "Stroke prevention and statin treatment," Clin Exp Hypertens 2006; 28: 335-44  
    4. Yuan, H.Y., et al., “Curcumin inhibits cellular cholesterol accumulation by regulating SREBP-1/caveolin-1 signaling pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells,” Acta Pharmacol Sin 2008; 29: 555-63. 
    5. Quiles, J.L., et al., “Curcuma longa extract supplementation reduces oxidative stress and attenuates aortic fatty streak development in rabbits,” Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22: 1225-31
    Cell Shield RTQ™ delivers a highly bioavailable, proprietary blend of three powerful antioxidants (Resveratrol, Turmeric [Curcumin], and Quercetin) for potent protection against cell-damaging free radicals. Ask Pharmacist Keith - Get 30% off TODAY

    Chemicals from Make Up Found in Blood Stream

    Chemicals from Make Up Found in Blood Stream

    16 different chemcals from make up and other personal care products are found in the blood stream of teenage girls. The average teen girl uses 17 personal care products everyday. In the study they tested for 25 different chemicals. Every girl in the study had between 11 and 16 chemicals in their bodies and levels that were extremely high!

    The chemicals that were found interefer with hormone development, reproductive problems, obesity, and cancer rates. Look at the rates of these diseases in young people. The rates of premature puberty, cancer and diabetes are through the roof.
    Is it possible?
    How is it possible?

    Doesn't the skin protect you from harm?

    Think about this, drug manufactures have discovered that medications can be delivered into the blood stream, bypassing liver metabolismm by appling the drug directly to the skin by using patches and creams.

    Then add this bit of information, the first thing you do in the morning is shower. The hot water of the shower opens the pores of the skin allowing even more chemicals to enter into the body. Couple this with the facct that teenage girls are exposing themselves to the chemicals from as many as 17 different products each morning and you have a disaster waiting to happen.

    What can you do about it?

    Would you rather use products containing harmaful chemicals on your skin?
    Mineral Makeup

    Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI


       by Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND
    Everyone 'knows' the medical dogma that "exercise is good for you." Now as Paul Harvey says, "You are going to hear the rest of the story!" Exercise without complete and optimal supplementation is self destructive and suicidal! 

    After dropping this heretical bombshell, I will give you enough food for thought to gauge the value and the hazards of exercise for yourself. For the last four years, I have crisscrossed America lecturing for almost 300 days per year and the have taken up the daily task of reading five to ten national and local newspapers and magazines (and international when I can get them). Using these information sources as teaching materials, I have been able to "connect the dots" and see the true picture of health (or lack of it) in America without having to do thousand of surveys or studies that would bridge hundreds of years of time and squander billions of taxpayers dollars.

    Growing up in rural Missouri associated with the agricultural and livestock industries, I observed as a teenager that we very systematically put vitamins, minerals and trace minerals in the animal fed to prevent and cure disease; not because we were altruistic but primarily because we were market driven and didn't have major medical or hospitalization for calves or chickens; therefore, if we were to use a human health care system for them, your hamburger would cost you $275 per pound and chicken breast fillets would cost $450 per pound.
    We also learned that "working and producing" animals (i.e. - dairy cattle, draft horses, racehorses and dogs, breeding animals) need additional nutrients above and beyond the maintenance level to support them during "production time" to maintain and repair their tissues and organ systems.

    As a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems (Washington University) I received the benefit of a $7.5 Million NIH training grant to cross-educate 30 young scientists from different professions to accelerate the conclusion making process from existing research. We were taught the language and tenets of each others specialties (i.e. math, biology, molecular biology, pathology, medicine, engineering, anthropology, forestry, chemistry, computer science, etc.), at least enough to know where to look for information and how to interpret the studies published in their professional journals.

    Invariably, a good scientist will generate as many questions as they answer - this leads to more research which can be exciting and a career track as the person doing the studies learns new skills, buys additional equipment and writes more articles - but in the great scheme of things, this wastes time as the question probably has already been asked, answered and published by a very skilled scientist somewhere before. 

    We were to be a "strike force" of multi-disciplinary scientists employed to quickly identify and solve major regional and world ecological problems with the published information already at hand.
    My job as a veterinary pathologist on the project was to become a comparative pathologist by studying human and animal diseases and be able to identify known human health problems in zoo animals - specifically I was to do autopsies on animals dying of natural causes in the large zoos of America and humans looking for pollution related diseases and find a species that was ultra sensitive to pollution and one that could be used as an early warning biological system.

    To make a long story short, after having done some 17,500 autopsies on over 454 species of zoo animal and 3,000 humans, I learned that all of the animals and all of the people who died of "natural causes" died of nutritional diseases. As a result of these original studies, I was able to publish more than 70 peer reviewed and refereed papers on nutritional deficiency diseases and pharmacology, contribute papers to eight multi-author veterinary and medical texts on the subject and write a tome on the comparative pathology of most of the known species of animals and humans (W. B. Saunders, 1983) and most recently, write two self-help texts (Let's Play Doctor and RARE EARTHS: Forbidden Cures).

    Unable to convince the academic world of the importance of nutrition in the mid to late 60's, I became frustrated enough to go back to school for four years and become a primary care physician. I successfully used everything I learned in the veterinary nutrition and in my studies as a postdoctoral fellow for my human patients for more than 12 years.

    It was necessary to provide you with an understanding of my academic background to answer your logical questions, "Where does this guy come off? Everybody knows exercise is the number one health activity!" The picture that unfolds in this article as I "connect the dots" for you it will not make sense as you now know that I have had some very unique training at a great expenditure of your tax money.

    About ten years ago during the early 80's, ominous articles began appearing in news media, medical and veterinary journals as well as pathology journals. These articles brought to light an increase in the frequency and severity of sports injuries (i.e. sprains, strains, degenerative joint problems, fractures, paralysis), behavior problems in athletes and coaches (i.e. sociopathic behavior, fights, uncontrolled rages, drug and alcohol addiction, anorexia, bulimia) degenerative diseases (i.e. arthritis, diabetes, cancer and cardiomyopathy) and sudden death (Cardio-myopathy and ruptured aneurysms.)

    It is not surprising that young athletes develop these diseases even though they are "highly conditioned", have professional trainers, coaches and nutritionists hovering over them at all times. In fact, unsupplemented high-output athletes, amateur or professional, are more susceptible to emotional, traumatic and degenerative diseases than the classic "couch potatoes".

    The rationale for this unbelievable statement can be illustrated by comparing two Mercedes automobiles one with no oil and no coolant, stored in a garage (the couch potato) and one with no oil and no coolant running at 70 mph (the athlete) - which car (the couch potato or the athlete) will last longer?

    Even though the Mercedes is engineered to go 300,000 miles before it needs a major overhaul or a new engine, it is obvious that in our scenario the "couch potato" Mercedes will last longer, because the basic needs of the "athlete" Mercedes engine running at 70 mph were not met by providing simple oil and coolant.

    This simple Mercedes illustration can then be carried back to the human analogy. As always, there are cases of famous athletes dying or developing some health challenge that grabs the public's attention; however, the cases of the twenty four year old cyclist dying of cardio-myopathy in Jacksonville, Florida, the high school athlete from backwater towns in Missouri or Pennsylvania who goes berserk, develops diabetes or dies suddenly on the field of play, are just as valuable in "connecting the dots" to complete our picture of the underlying problem. For each example of famous athletes that I am about to share with you, there are literally hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of amateur athletes of various ages that will fit the profile.

    Reggie Lewis, the 27-year-old captain of the Boston Celtics, collapsed on the basketball court in April of 1993 during a game against the San Antonio Spurs. He was quite accurately diagnosed with cardio-myopathy, a muscular dystrophy of the heart muscle caused by a selenium deficiency. Twelve world class cardiologists known as the "Dream Team" of cardiologists were hired by the Boston Celtics to save Reggie, a $65 million contract basketball super star. This "Dream Team" of cardiologists considered pacemakers, pharmaceuticals, defibrillators and heart transplants as treatment for Reggie, but not one gave him 20 cents worth of selenium! Reggie Lewis died of his second cardiomyopathy heart attack on July 28, 1993.

    Hank Gathers, from Loyola Marymount, Los Angeles, died from a selenium deficiency cardiomyopathy heart attack on the basketball court during the "March Madness" playoffs in 1990 at the age of 23.

    Evander Hollyfield, the 31-year-old, two time heavy weight boxing champion of the world, suddenly retired from boxing because of the onset of a chronic wasting form of selenium deficiency cardiomyopathy known as a "stiff heart".

    Thirty-seven years ago, in 1957, it was proven in animal studies that the trace mineral selenium was essential to life and that a deficiency of selenium produces a variety of diseases ranging from cardiomyopathy (known in animals as "Mulberry heart disease" or white muscle disease) to muscular dystrophy. Additional research proved with 100 percent certainty that cardiomyopathy was preventable and, in the early stages of diagnoses, curable with supplementation of selenium.

    Historically, selenium deficiencies in humans that result in cardiomyopathy, "Mulberry heart disease" or "White muscle disease" are known as Keshan Disease. In Keshan Province, Peoples Republic of China, Keshan Disease (cardiomyopathy) killed 13 out of every 1,000 preschool children, teenagers and pregnant women.  The soil in Keshan Province is almost totally devoid of selenium. In the 1930's Keshan Disease was thought to be caused by a viral infection; later in the sixties Keshan Disease was thought to be caused by mold contaminants of stored grain. It was not until 1972 when the World Health Organization sent a team of pathologists to China to study Keshan Disease was the mystery solved. 

    On the WHO pathology team was a veterinary pathologist who recognized that Keshan Disease in humans was in fact identical to "Mulberry heart disease" in pigs with a selenium deficiency.

    To prove the connection between selenium deficiency and the cardiomyopathy of Keshan Disease, the WHO funded a large double blind study in which 39,000 school children were given selenium as a daily supplement and a control group of 9,000 children were given a placebo. At the end of two years the rate of Keshan Disease in those children receiving the daily selenium supplement dropped to zero, while the rate of Keshan Disease in the control group remained at 13 per 1,000.

    Selenium has a wide variety of functions in the human body including protection of the cellular membranes of cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers from peroxidation (free radical damage to the bi-lipid layer membrane) and replacement of viable muscle tissue by fibrous connective tissue.

    A Selenium deficiency is exacerbated by exercise (athletes) and high intake of polyunsaturated fats and oils that are found in salad dressings, frying oils, frozen and soft serve desserts or margarine.

    It is a sad fact that commercially prepared diets of pet, laboratory and farm animals contains optimum levels of selenium specifically to prevent cardiomyopathy, while humans and especially athletes at the behest of their trainers, sports medicine doctors and family doctors are led to believe that they can get everything they need from the "four food groups", primarily because the orthodox health profession's ignorance of and bias against vitamins and mineral supplementation.

    Buster Douglas, once the heavyweight boxing champion, suddenly developed diabetes and went into a diabetic coma two years after losing the championship. Adult onset diabetes is known to be caused by chromium and vanadium deficiencies. 

    Tonya Harding (figure skater) and Jennifer Capriotti (tennis player) both became sociopathic (i.e.- aggression, drug and alcohol addiction) after years of participating in their respective sports. Deficiencies of chromium, vanadium and/or lithium are associated with volatile behavior, sociopathic behaviors, depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol (especially if they consume large quantities of sugar).

    Running is often put forth as the universal "fitness" exercise, and yet numerous world class runners have lost their lives by not supplementing. Jim Fixx, the runner who started the whole jogging craze in America with his best selling books on jogging and running for fitness, died at age 48 following his fifth cardiomyopathy heart attack.. He purposely did not supplement because he wanted to prove that running was the pure way to health and longevity.

    Dr. George Sheehan, the longtime medical editor for Running World Magazine, died at age 74 from prostate cancer even though he ran for 25 years. Dr Sheehan had no understanding of or interest in supplements, "Nutrition, to my mind, occupies an area somewhere between religion and science, and is a confusing amalgam of these great subjects." A National Cancer Institute Study showed that faithful daily use of even the small levels of double the American RDA for beta-carotene, vitamin E and selenium together can reduce the rate of cancer by 13 to 21 percent.

    There are literally tens of thousands of people in America in all age groups who die each year while running as a result of a ruptured cerebral, coronary or aortic aneurysm. Aneurysms were proven to be the result of a copper deficiency in turkeys in 1957.

    Fred LaBeau, 56, founder of the New York Marathon and world class runner himself and Wilma Rudolph, 54, winner of three Olympic gold medals in track and field, both died of brain cancer which can be produced in laboratory animals placed on a gallium deficient diet.

    Then there is the spectacular statistic that "connect the dots" and completes the picture, the last clue needed to clearly show that exercise without supplementation is self-destructive and is , in fact suicidal - 62% of women gymnasts at the university level are anorexic and/or bulimic (in fact a zinc deficiency aggravated by malabsorption, i.e. celiac disease). Is it genetic that there is this connection between gymnasts and eating disorders - I believe not.

    What is the common denominator that 'connects the dots' between the 85 pound gymnast, the lithe runner, the 220 pound heavy weight boxing champion and the six foot eleven inch basketball player? SWEAT!
    When we sweat, we sweat out more than just water for cooling our overheated bodies; we sweat out more than just the electrolytes (potassium, sodium and chloride) - we sweat out all 72 of the essential minerals; and if we don't consciously replace them by supplementation, the minerals consumed by cellular biochemical reactions and sweated out during exercise, as sure as God made little green apples, we are inviting disaster!
    • If we sweat out all of our selenium during exercise and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing cardiomyopathy. 
    • If we sweat out all of our chromium and vanadium during exercise and don't replace them by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing low blood sugar, diabetes, depression or antisocial behavior. 
    •  If we sweat out all of our lithium and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing depression, manic depression or addiction to alcohol or drugs. 
    •  If we sweat out all of our copper and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing joint and/or cartilage problems, varicose veins or a fatal ruptured aneurysm. 
    •  If we sweat out all of our gallium and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing a brain tumor. 
    • If we sweat out significant amounts of calcium, magnesium manganese, sulfur, boron and strontium and we don't replace them by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing joint, cartilage and bone degeneration (arthritis) or injuries (hairline fractures, fractures). 
    Athletes, especially the university and professional levels, are supposed to have training tables filled with the very best quality food, yet the only guarantee that they can get from their meals are protein, fats, carbohydrates, and calories.

    Depending on our food for vitamins, minerals and trace minerals is, at best a "crap shoot." Certainly, the average weekend athlete, jogger or aerobics buff with common sense wouldn't throw their life away by not supplementing with the known 103 essential nutrients each day (72 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids and three essential fatty acids). Certainly then, the highly conditioned serious athlete (amateur and professional) who invests considerable time and money in their training and fitness programs would not throw their health or lives away by not supplementing with all 100 plus essential nutrients.

    Yet, the majority of people who exercise don't supplement with minerals let alone all 100 plus essential nutrients, because they have bought into the medical dogma that "if you eat right, you don't need to supplement - you can get everything you need from the four food groups" or, if you supplement..., "it only gives you expensive urine." Most Americans have not been told the fact that our farm and range soils are depleted as a result of 100 to 200 years of intensive farming without appropriate mineral replacement - or if they have read the information about depleted soils in America, they don't make the connection that the food on their dinner plate is, in fact anemic.

    U.S. Senate Document 264 (1936) stated 59 years ago that our farm and range soils are depleted. More recently at the Earth Summit in Rio (June 1992) one report pointed out that American farm and range soils were 85% depleted of minerals compared with the soil mineral levels of 100 years ago. There is a clear and present danger and potentially fatal effect to each and everyone of us as a result of consuming minerally depleted foods - and that hazard is magnified many-fold by exercise.

    Article submitted by Dr. Joel D. Wallach